How to Cook Crab Legs Like a Pro

How to Cook Snow Crab Legs Like a Pro

Pretty much everybody loves crab legs, but getting them in a restaurant is expensive. Snow crab season is early in the Spring, so you can get these tasty critters from your local grocer fresh and for a very palatable price starting around Valentine’s day into the Spring months. Follow my recipe below for perfect boiled crab legs at home, and you won’t even know you’re not in a restaurant – Not only will you save some cash, but it’s super nice to get embarrassingly…

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How to make a Steakhouse-Quality, Crispy-Skinned Baked Potato like a Pro

pinterest-copy How to make a Steakhouse-Quality, Crispy-Skinned Baked Potato like a Pro

We’ve all done it… gone to a steakhouse, ordered the baked potato, and were totally floored by how salty and crispy that skin was. Then you go home, make your own baked potato in foil and wonder why yours are always mush.

We did it too – and it was completely not ok to be making such amazing quality steaks at home, but having sides that fell short of the restaurant-quality show-piece steak on the plate. It had to be dealt with. And…

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