The Crafty Wineaux

Our Reno

Redding and I bought our first house back in the summer of 2012 and have been starting our life together. While clean and move-in ready, it was hopelessly trapped in the 90’s, boasting builder-grade blah around every corner. Golden oak cabinetry, polished brass finishes abound, dated fixtures, blah blah blah, and it was all soooooo boring. sigh. He and I both have the misfortune of having uncommonly expensive tastes and limited finances with which to pursue them – not unlike many folks these days. So we’re using our starter home as an opportunity: a chance to turn some old fashioned elbow grease into sweat equity, building the life and home we really want with our own two hands so we can live our dreams WITHOUT going irreparably into a sinkhole of debt.

As scientists, we pride ourselves on our problem solving ability, and we’ve found that the best final products are generally the product of combining many blogs, tutorials, research and common sense, and I hope by sharing the pitfalls we’ve encountered and alternative approaches we’ve employed through each project, that we can save you some time, some money and tons of frustration.


Click the Photo to Read About How to Do Each Project in Your Home!


Home Update Projects and How To Do Each:

Cleaning Hacks for Your Updated Space:

Home Decor and Organization Ideas: